By bats | June 16, 2008 - 8:23 pm

I don’t know if this is going to develop into an irregular canonization of various and sundry comic characters, but dang! Mary Worth sure has a knack for interior design that allows even a simple mirror to elevate her to saintly status.

For the moment, enjoy one saint Mass card.

And, wouldn’t you know it, saints do pop up from time to time. (No, Mary, you’re not the only saint in the ocean…or sea…or heaven…whatever.)

Wow, Mary’s not the only venerable person in her strip.  Of course, she’s the only saint material, but Dr. Adrian Cory, Jeff’s daughter, Drew’s sister, and a doctor in her own right (I think she graduated from Rex Morgan’s alma mater) has her own small cult that campaigns vigorously for her canonization.  After all, how many virgin saints do you see these days?


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By bats | - 8:19 pm
Posted in Category: Miscarriage of Juggstice

Sam’s been filling Abbey in on the escapades of Steve, Gloria and the wacky femme terrorist. However, it seemed that Sam was far more interested in expounding his new hire’s swellness than divulging many of the details of terrorist disarmament and bitch-slapping. While it’s nice that he’s all buddy-buddy with Steve, all of this glory might have an unanticipated side effect. (At least I refrained from mentioning (1) a man-crush, and (2) Abbey’s talking vagina.)

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By bats | June 14, 2008 - 12:32 pm

It started with Zippy the Pinhead asking his creator Bill Griffith if he could take a new job over at The Family Circus (really! it’s the 14 June 2008 strip!). Oooh, the possibilities!

It could only be better if Zippy would apply over at For Better or for Worse as wedding coordinator. Muu-muus for all!

Comments Off on Yow! Am I adopted yet?
By bats | June 12, 2008 - 10:54 am
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

She’s a Mom, and she can give you the Mom Look ™ in no time flat! Are you willing to risk it? Didn’t think so…

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By bats | - 10:25 am
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

Nahhh, that really isn’t the zip code for Santa Royale. If it were, the front page of the daily paper wouldn’t be splashed with a photo of a couple of old farts eating at an Olive Garden knock-off. Not that photos like that don’t raise the dander of some of the local citizens.

Like Jeff Corey, seeing his gal-pal Mary out on the town with (gasp!) another man! Well, all we can say to him is take it easy, sport…Santa Royale isn’t so small that other indiscretions aren’t noted in the dailies:

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By bats | June 11, 2008 - 5:37 pm
Posted in Category: Three-Ring Freakshow

This particular Family Circus evoked a lot of speculation: what kind of sty do the Keane Kidz root around in? Is it a meatball? A cocktail testicle? Something from Kitty Cat’s box? The original caption was something to the effect, “It fell on the floor and got some floor on it.”. Whatever it was, it wasn’t funny — it was nauseating. Even more than the usual panel. (Does that make it a “win” for the Keane side?)

At least Jeffy’s descent into rage and madness continues unabated. Is there a restraining order floating around out there that requires the adult Jeffy to primarily poke fun at his melon-headed alter ego, rather than those of his sibs? Just wondering…

And it didn’t help when Stephen Pastis tossed in a lovely depiction of Pig:

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By bats | - 5:30 pm
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

Nope. Nothing. Rex chasing down one of the fired security guards in a local supermarket and cornering him in the back. Asking him questions. June at his side. Next to the dairy and freezer areas. You’d think we might get a few shots of how her location and the temperatures are affecting her, but Mrs. Morgan is a true Ice Queen. Drat.

I’m not even getting any jollies with Andy being there. Heck, he’s probably in the supply room for Happy Hour…

Comments Off on Sigh.
By bats | June 9, 2008 - 8:45 pm
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

I’m sorry. This is lame, even with Andy trying to give it a shot in the arm. The days following it have Rex chasing down a suspect in the MRSA-Mat Mystery, and even that isn’t all that exciting (they should’ve been tossing shopping carts around, like in Hot Fuzz (was that the movie?). Not enough skin, not that much action, although I will admit, there are some fine Rex faces; maybe they’ll make a future appearance.

Comments Off on Sigh.
By bats | - 8:40 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

Dang it! I thought with Dr. Jeff out of the picture, we might be treated to some hot Metamucilicious action with Mary and her new beau. But instead of playing footsie in a swank eatery and toasting each other with a bottle of Asti Spumanti, Ron and Mary are talking about his new political career…town council, no less! Wow, Ron, maybe next time you can run for the thrilling post of dog-catcher!

I just have to find the action wherever I can.

Comments Off on Politics is a dirty, pukey job…
By bats | - 8:35 pm
Posted in Category: Three-Ring Freakshow

Try as I might, I just can’t resist those Keane Kidz. I’m almost there, free of them, and then Billy gets stupid or snotty, Gramma gets loaded, or Big Daddy gets in the car…and hilarity ensues.

Of course, there’s also Jeffy going off the deep end:

And Dolly getting nothing less than holier-than-thou:

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