By bats | June 5, 2013 - 4:40 pm
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Miscarriage of Juggstice
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Neddy’s friend Thalia’s husband Ross really and truly is kidnapped! This is no swindle? Why? There’s a ransom note!
Oh, my gosh, and for the last week, Thalia’s been crying on Abby’s bodacious shoulder, because the kidnappers are planning to mutilate Ross each day that the ransom isn’t paid. The fiends!
It started with fingers…
Oh Abby…nothing gets past you, does it?
I don’t quite understand fly-fishing. Granted, it’s more exciting than golf, but it seems that it would be less exciting than EVERYTHING ELSE ON EARTH!
Okay, that was several year ago before I stumbled across The Comics Curmudgeon (go check that out right now!), and I have to say if it’s good enough for Hollywood moguls, rich-as-Croesus attorneys, messed-up teenagers displaced by Hurricane Katrina, physicians who do something (I guess), eternal heroes and wildlife/wilderness writers, it must be good enough for me!
Kinda noisy and crowded, though…
When will we see Mary Worth in hip-waders, though? (Damn! Wilbur took his long-lost son fishing, too, didn’t he?)
Well, suffice it to say that Judge and Mrs. Parker are going to tropical Mexico for their son’s wedding, and Katherine is outfitting the Judge with the latest in early 20th C. exploration gear. This met with a really frightening expression from Hizzoner, which reminded CC’s Calico of Grumpy Cat.
Which led to a request that I was only too happy to oblige:
Which led to an opportunity to use the request again:
(and GC’s on my Facebook profile pic for the moment, too. Nothing succeeds like excess.)
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