Meanwhile, Bernice PhD in Psychology practices, “May I take your order, please?”.

Comments Off on Shannon will probably be a published author before Luann at this rate…
By bats | March 11, 2024 - 3:43 pm

Gosh, the Evansii rembered their second-string characters!

And it’s back to college, with the hell that is Stefani!

The plot thickens! (As much as it ever does in this comic…)

Luann continues to fantacize…

Comments Off on Something NEW in Luanville?!??
By bats | January 15, 2024 - 11:31 am

Bets is back! She gave up her wildly successful podcast, content to live an ordinary life! Too bad she has no idea what an ordinary life is like!

Why can’t these two just break up? Not enough population in Luannville?


Dez tries to help (and “tries” is the operative word…)

Meanwhile, all the single young wimmen in Luannville are jumping after the only male in the world, Piro. Will Bernice win? (oh, dear God, don’t let it be so!)

And it’s back to Piro and Bernice (Psychologist Without a Clue)!

LUANN: as vapid inside as out.

Luann gets into this bogus Tiffany and Bets cashgrab, after all:

Luann want to be a “Blank Slate”. Maybe she ought to just sit back and watch as her geriatric teacher has a coronary…

Comments Off on Young love, or lust, or just plain ennui…
By bats | May 29, 2023 - 12:53 pm

And Bernice was his Muse cum model? No, neither can I.

Aaaaaaaaaaaand it’s back to another lame story…

Tiffany gets ahead by remembering and playing her years of old tricks that she’s perfected…you go, girl!!!!
The old bat (your mom, Gunth, will never suspect!

Where in the world is loony little Bets…

Remember when Borenice was still in school, pretending to be pre-Psych?

And now for some High Drama at Tiffany’s Halloween party…will Bets stay or go?…Who gives a rat’s ass?

And what Bats really, really needs to hear…

Comments Off on Remember when Nil was an artist?

Did you even care? Evidently, Evans pater and fils have returned to the “studio,” where Bernice can peddle her artistic talent and be mortified in one fell swoop…

It’s gotta get better…

Go on…

Whew! Time to take a “time out” with Kip and Stef, the Eternal Cheerleader:

“Let’s sell this crap tea to the Roob(idos)!”

Awwww….somebody’s not happy (as if we care)…

And remembering (hardly worth it) when Luann’s latest “when I grow up, I’m gonna be a writes” scheme…

Now back to the excitement that is all about “Spring Fair”…

Don’t believe me? Aspiring stand-up comedian Luann nails it!

Bernice listens to the schmaltz that Piro is dishing out…

Comments Off on Did you know Luann’s roomie Bernice was an artist’s muse?
By bats | October 11, 2022 - 11:02 am

Tiffany finailly gets fed up with living in a dorm with idiots and moves back to the manse. Too bad she forgot how to negotiate stairs…

Tiffany survives…and it’s a good thing, since Luann is starting to explore her writing career (the 13th careeer choice this year).

Meanwhile, Ma DeGroot and Borenice are bonding over taxes, or something…

Luann reads a BOOK!

Luann may or may not hit PUBERTY!

And while Tiff recuperates at Gunther’s lavish spit-n-sticks crappy little house, Bets gets the overwhelming case of jealousy over her man-boi:

Comments Off on 9-1-1! Or Luann!
By bats | September 6, 2022 - 6:08 pm

But wait…there’s MORE!

When Steffi’s ring goes missing, she accuses everyone until she has enough balls to confess the loss to Kip…

(Of course, the other word that Kip was suggesting is also four letters, begins with a C and ends with a T and doesn’t refer to a female relative.)

Steff finds her precious ring, and amends are ma…..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Comments Off on And how was YOUR summer?
By bats | June 9, 2022 - 11:26 am

And Tiffany thought she was done with the freaky cheerleader…

Meanwhile, Bernice has decided to be Nil’s muse, because sex (even theoretical sex) is ICKY!!!

i think any attempt at Nil making the best with two backs with Borenice is dead in the water. Let’s see how Bets is driving Tiffany mad this week!

You haven’t measured barf, pee or poop velocities yet, Borenice…

Crap. Luann pretends to be a mentor again…

Comments Off on It summer vacation, far from Mooney U
By bats | May 6, 2022 - 12:42 pm

When one of the four room-mates is fucking her boyfriend blind, there’s a lame attempt to create a “Privacy Hut” — the only problem is that the one harlot is monopolizing all the time in the PH to fuck her boyfriend. Plans need to be made to make the PH run more smoothly,
Me? I would have just killed the slut causing the problem.

I, for one, am hoping for Trouble in Paradise (o the Privacy Hut, at least).

Stef goes off in a snit (not that anyone stops her). And Tiffany learns the awful, awful truth…

And just how young, smart and talented students solve a problem:

Meanwhile, Borenice considers breaking up with Nil (OMG OMG OMG)…

And who better to ask all those burning questions but that hydrocephalic Luann?

WEEK 2 of Borenice beating a dead horse!

It’s just so nice when Borenice keeps her yap shut! The organ donation is just a happy circumstance…

Run, Nil, RUN!!!

It’ll be for the best, Nil…well, acually, it’ll be better for you.

Tiffany tried to be nice, letting dorm residetnt store their crap in the her father’s mansion…so mch for being nice

Comments Off on Fun at college!
By bats | April 12, 2022 - 4:17 pm

Borenice and Nils! Pardon me while I fail to work up anything that resembles interest…

True colors (something like puce or beige, only more pale)…

If Borenice can make a decision, so can Nil (how shocking!!!!)

No, Nil can really make a decision, Borenice…live with it.

Don’t cave, Nil! DON’T CAVE!

A farewell gift is, well, a farewell gift.

Dos hope spring eternal? Unlikely.

The DeGroots return home, Nil leaves, and Borenice has meltdown…so what else is new?

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