By bats | April 29, 2024 - 11:28 am
Posted in Category:
Most maryWorthy
Wilbur’s hallucinating, that is…

This week was filled with “other stuff” to do (an ophthalmology exam and a sorta ENT one), and the week’s MW was simply vapid. Wilbutt on a desert island is one thing, Wilbutt talking himself of paying for a blind date is just crap.
{And I thought a return to the goon show with Wilbutt would be entertaining. I don’t want to end up hate- reading MW like I do with Luann, Mark Trail 2.0 and a few others…the syndicate needs to put Moy out to pasture.)
Maybe this will be the last strip of a really stupid plot (or at least a close one, that I won’t give a whole strip to):

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