By bats | January 30, 2024 - 12:31 pm
Posted in Category: So Pretty! So Pretentious!

…(for an entire week!), and your husband still doesn’t appreciate you or it.

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Mary Worth, the Jane Goodall of Charterstone…

Too bad the other inmates of Charterstone don’t get Keith and Co. …

Bob S. in the FB Comics Curmudgeon thoughtfully suggested a third panel…and by golly, it works!

Well, this is either heading for a Happy Ending, or Keith has figured out how to move Kitty into the Over-55 Charterstone lifestyle, minus Sonia…

And what could possibly be better than an uncomfortable group hug?

But then…

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And then there’s the matter of Billy’s IQ, proudly blazoned on his jersey..

You just know that Billy is going to beat the snot out of Jeffy…

There are times, however, when Billy’s mathematical skills are surprising.

(Write her out of the will, Ancient Grandma!)

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By bats | January 21, 2024 - 11:31 am
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy
Comments Off on Sunday, Sunday! Just in time for muffins!
By bats | January 15, 2024 - 11:31 am

Bets is back! She gave up her wildly successful podcast, content to live an ordinary life! Too bad she has no idea what an ordinary life is like!

Why can’t these two just break up? Not enough population in Luannville?


Dez tries to help (and “tries” is the operative word…)

Meanwhile, all the single young wimmen in Luannville are jumping after the only male in the world, Piro. Will Bernice win? (oh, dear God, don’t let it be so!)

And it’s back to Piro and Bernice (Psychologist Without a Clue)!

LUANN: as vapid inside as out.

Luann gets into this bogus Tiffany and Bets cashgrab, after all:

Luann want to be a “Blank Slate”. Maybe she ought to just sit back and watch as her geriatric teacher has a coronary…

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By bats | January 14, 2024 - 2:22 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

At least, once we get rid of the kid…

There are just some questions…

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By bats | January 8, 2024 - 7:59 pm
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

….we;ll never be rid of Rex Morgan, M.D. (no matter how much of a dip he is.)

Even if that fraud Rene may come to a miserable end…

…and any assistance appears to be far, far away (and not at all willing to help)…

(Oh, Rex…you’re still a soft touch!)

Days pass…

And in case I might’ve missed this…

As this story grinds to an end, we visit a couple of the Morgans’ elderly friends, already in mid-grind:

Rex to the “Rex-cue”! (snort)

Good old Rex “I’ve got an angle” Morgan…

“The Count” meets and is intrigued by his old TV hero, “The Arizona Kid”…

The Count learns some lessons from an old cow poke (and Mike Nelson is right…a winged scooter is mighty fine!):

…’specially when you can git a little bit more Altitude fer yer Attitude!

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By bats | January 7, 2024 - 5:12 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

…thank Gawd the plot in Mary Worth is absolutely turgid (or at least more turgid than usual…)

Rekindling the old flame (aka, more awkward conversation and pauses…)

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By bats | January 1, 2024 - 1:06 pm
Posted in Category: Cameo Appearances

And as far as 2024 is going…the weather outside is frightful…

Just because…

I don’t read Six Chix as a rule…but this one is Funny! With a clever restaurant name! What’s happening here?!??

Looks like Mark is still a little slow on the uptake…

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