…that’s exactly what Tommy’s doing (whether or not Mary suggested it). And it’s paying off, too!

And movin’ on might be a good idea, too.

On and on and on and on….

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…that’s exactly what Tommy’s doing (whether or not Mary suggested it). And it’s paying off, too!
And movin’ on might be a good idea, too.
On and on and on and on….
…and the self-absorbe people who live there. Amos and Edda have been shamelessly flirting…
Weeks later, still flirting (read, talking and talking and talking…).
…I’m over 60! I like well-drawn comics! And semblances of plot! So sue me!
And when all this standing around jawin’ was a little too boring:
The lack of…anything…in Mark 2.0 astonishes me. I can’t believe that t reputable comics syndicate would give this franchise to a person with minimalist drawing abilities and less creativity.. There are good reasons that middling cartoonists stay online, year after year.
The addition of an occasional “Talking” animal is just stupid. There. I’ve said it.
Hey, it’s the real Mark Trail (of course, it sucks that he’s a ghost or something)…
Something’s happening in Mark Trail. Hell if I know what it is.
the election IS over, right?
Now it’s time to rest, and read, and even a little treat:
Meanwhile, Ma and Pa Keane might want to rethink the child left behind…
Finally some peace and quiet for the elder Keanes!
One of these days, Jeffy is going to put two and two together…
Yeah, I always think of that this time of the year…
I guess there are still vocational -training program, ones that don’t require basic literacy…
OH….so close!
And, eventually, it all becomes clear…
A new year, a new opportunity for Dolly to edumacate young ‘un Jeffy.
Tommy escapes from Mary’s clutches, filled with underbaked banana bread and loads of good advice.
It seems that the banana bread isn’t sitting too well, though…
It appears that things are getting back on track…Mary exercising, Tommy counselin school kids on the EVILS!!! of drugs…
And Tommy still does his best to win Brandy back…
I’m beginning to lose hope…
And sometimes, you just have to put on your big boy Underoos…
Tommy realizes when it’s best to cut ties with toxic relationships and deal with folks who actually appreciate him.
…but Scoopy the Surly Sundae does have a softer side, particularly when it comes to Harry Bliss’ sad little squirrel on a park bench.
King Features is considering rebooting a “retired” comics, with new writers/ new artists/new plots (you know, beating a dead horse, since there are No New Ideas). One of the contenders is Apt. 3-G! And if you thought the oirinal was exciting….
…watch the ladies’ 21st-Century adventures!
…but I hate my piano teacher most of all.”
Wow…the excitement of school music directors’ convention! Reminds me of those Things that Happened back in Band Camp (or thing you wished had happened…)
Of course, we can’t leave Funkyville behind, with Funky himself getting prepped for cataract surgery!
It looks like Funky survived the cataract operation. Nobody get too excited now…
(Who knew that there were so many types of harpoons?!??)
It was necessary. And you know it. But at least we know that Tommy has a great dinner of canned tuna and onion rings waiting for him!
He may be a reformed druggie, but Tommy remembers his childhood manners. Anyway, when Mary offers banana bread, a little delayed dinner at his own place can’t hurt. Can it? CAN IT???
Leonardo da Renaissance Dude!
And then I begin to ask myself, “Why was I missing Mary in the strip?”
Well, look what we have here! Mary seems to have found it in the fridge…or the cupboard…or under the sink…
Hey, all he did was ask an honest question!
At least if you leave on unfriendly terms, Tommie, you won’t have to haul the old hag’s groceries upstairs anymore…
Don’t do it, Tommy!
WHEW! A whole week of Mary “advising” (read, meddling) Tommy! But we lived through it all, didn’t we?
(well, not the pigeons…)
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