By bats | April 30, 2023 - 4:24 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

And now: THE STRIP THAT JUMPED THE SHARK (even without Mary riding it)!!!

Of course, Dr. Ed may have a plan that will guarantee a comfortable living for himself and Estelle

WITHOUT having to be a harried veterinarian:

And for all those (and there were a lot) who poo-pooed yesterday’s animal antics:

If you look hard enough, you can still ferret out the snark…

Anyway, things look like they’re improving…

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And I’ll bet Mary didn’t sleep a wink last night…

Comments Off on One of these days, the folks at the karaoke bar will decide that they don’t NEED Mary’s money…
By bats | April 16, 2023 - 4:41 pm
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

A couple of older minor characters, Hank and Yvonne, have gotten married and are now on an ocean honeymoon. BUT a longtime baddie, Rene the Swindler, is also on board and would take everyone for a ride, if it weren’t for hin recognizing Hank (and knowing Hank would take him to justice).
[Gads, isn’t that a lot of words just for a cheap snark? I wouldn’t have said anything. BUT it’s on a cruise! At NIGHT! And BAD THINGS can happen at night on a cruise! Just ask Mary Worth (Rex Morgan is nowhere to be seen…)]

An astonishing disguise!

Do something! He’s getting away!

With all these “accidents,” bear in mind there are Those People who are called to the sea…a siren’s song that makes them go willingly, like a salmon returning to the natal creek of its birth, or a sea tortoise, swimming thousands of miles around the world, only to return and lay eggs where her own mother dumped her load years before…

The dude in the bow-tie? Who cares? He only wants to detract from the true lure of the ocean,,,the mantra of the mermaid…what a maroon! Who needs cheap chicanery when Those People long to be full fathoms deep (around July 2012)…

Mud Mountain (aka Fergus) can be touchy-feely, New Agey of Aquarius, or Zen all that he wants, but Yvonne is a little more pragmatic of the tragedy that could be unfolding on the high seas…

So Rene is unmasked, but does he regret his villainous ways? Maybe he should just relocate…

Meanwhile, there’s a high school graduation going on…with future plans and everything!

Return with us now to those thrilling days of Middle Earth, or at least to someone who looks kinda like a resident….

Comments Off on Can you believe it? Even more adventure on the high seas!
By bats | - 4:30 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

“Oooooh…the OTHER compensation….”

Ye gods!!!!

Comments Off on Almost as exciting as it would be on TV!
By bats | April 9, 2023 - 3:59 pm
Posted in Category: Cameo Appearances

I *think* this is the first time I’ve ever snarked on Blondie.

I’m not snarking on Daddy Daze…I just like the franchising opportunity!

Comments Off on Is it Easter, or is it just Blondie?
By bats | - 3:56 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

Monday, and ready to work!

So far, so good…

But wait! The clinic isn’t closed yet!!!

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By bats | April 2, 2023 - 6:34 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

And I have to admit that I’ve not written off old Wilbutt yet…

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