Bets has left Gunth stranded in the Weinie World parking lot, but at least he doesn’t have to resot fo turning trick to get home. Bernice and Luann have nowhere else to go on a Friday night!
The analysis session moves into the WW lobby, which I’m sure makes the staff oh-so-happy at having to keep the place open for an extra hour for two damned small sodas!
And while Gunth heads home and is summarily forgotten by his peers and the comic strip audience in favor of a new rip-roaring adventure featuring a freakin’ goldfish, don’t be so quick to blow him…. oh, yea, blow him OFF!
Bernice goes on a blind date with the artistic Nil. Shenanigans are pretty much nonexistent…
The Case Against Science: A short time ago, someone who follows the comics curmudgeon and his merry crew post”The Visible Woman” as something that Dolly might be taken with (a little playmate had mentioned –during Dolly’s bathtime — that she knew all the “real” names for body parts)! Well, Dolly would only be overwhelmed by it all if The Visible Woman were something hearer and dearer to to egotistic female melonhead herself…BEHOLD!
Kinda like The Handmaid’s Tale, only lamer.
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I rarely snark on Tom Batitutitk because his strips are so darn boring (Funky Winkerbean, Crankshaft). Even this isn’t much of a snark; the best thing might be if that CC’s John Long lifted my final panel to snark on it! In case you care, Mr. Dinkle has been hired as an organist (snerk) at a local church of Satan or St. Tedium or something…