By bats | January 30, 2024 - 12:31 pm
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So Pretty! So Pretentious!
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eventually you’ll get a 9 Chickweed Lane with a CAT!!
Meanwhile, back of the beach:
Things happen on the beach (or in the water), and Edda’s too vacuous to understand without an explanation:
And then there’s issues with music critics…
And this illustration leads us to wonder…if it’s not a kiss, is she swallowing his tongue, upper and lower bridgework, and chin? And why is this either entertaining (it’s a comic strip) or romantic (other than just plain eccchy?!??
And a PSA (ohpeaseohpleaseohplease) for the end of Thorax:
It IS 9 Chickweed Lane, after all:
I don’t recall the cartoonist’s name, but he loathes 9 Chickweed Lane (like that’s a bad thing!).
Even when he’s being a serious catoonist, Brooke comes close to the edge…
Meanwhile, two minor characters (read, I don’t know or care about)have had their own baby….like, they had SEX!
And for the less perverted among us (or those who prefer outright violence):
Speechless, in Italian…
And there are times when no one gives a crap about musical notation…
At least there are times when things really do come to an end…
Meanwhile, some other horndogs in 9 Chickweed Lane:
And back to the concert hall…
It finally happened. Brooke’s artistic wizardry has finally made the horrible little twins at the cery leasgt F*ckable…
Wait…there’s more!
The girls are back to toddler-hood. Their parents are just about the same, too…
So Polly and Lolly (or Wolly-doodle, whatever their names are) are toddler-aged again. Too bad that their parents (and the cartoonist) are still horny teenager-sized as well.
When Life gives you misteltoe…
Once again, add a cat and the strip becomes (barely) readable…
Have Gun Will Travel…and Have Amos Will Nebbish.
Amos’ Big Chance to show that he isn’t a dweeb…
And once again, here we are at “Dancing with the Dorks”:
Turn gay! Turn polygamist! Turn Hare Krisha! Just don’t take Wilbutt back!
Several readers hope that Dr. Ed makes a n appearance, further making Wilbutt wish he were dead. Well, you can always hope… (and thanks to 9CL, which finally has a use for its male anatomy, if nothing else):
Well, it seems that Estelle (or “Stell,” so she doesn’t have to remember both syllables in her name, is going to take the bastard back:
And today’s strip didn’t even merit a whole snark, just a panel (thanks to the curmudgeon who suggested the escape route):
Things aren’t so bad for Libby after all, after some folks fearing the worst for her (and Moy’s lack of clarity with the human…or English, language). Who the hell cares about Stell and Wilbutt anyway?
Mabe a workable solution can be…ah…worked out.
Or maybe the critters can work things out for themselves, and to hell with the humans…
Nah, I guess people need to be involved. At least one of them.
Believe it or don’r…Wilbutt sees the light!!!
And into every life (or Wilbutt’s life 24/7) a little rain must fall:
…and I’m doing you a favor. This prologue devolves into a talky-talky borefest. Be happy with this little bit, and go read something betters.
Strangely enough, BMacE swerves and spends some time with Edda and what is supposedly her spawn. The spawn has decided their mother is neither human nor mammal, but a chick.
And this was actually quite sweet, but nothing that can’t be snarked on.
Yeah, mystifying.
Do you want to see something really scary?
And now we’re in the middle of a Thorax-in-WWII story, doing sexy things. My gorge rises…
This is the result of a dream/hallucination/overdose of Seth’s that caused him to come dangerously close to making the Right weep with joy, due to his heterosexual feelings and actions with an old dance partner. Sure, he’d burn in Hell for fornicating with the woman, but it was a WOMAN, dammit! I have no idea why Edda shows up, either.
Honestly, I have no idea what was going on. I mostly just looked at the pictures.
Yuck? Really?
It looks like Seth is considering that awful, awful heterosexuality with the ex-ballerina Fernanda…
Then again, maybe not…
Welp, it seems that everyone believes big gay ol’ Seth is going to marry Fernanda. At least if you hear it from gay Uncle Mark and the Creepy Twins…
During this Seth and Fernanda wet dream (or whatever it is), someone at the Readers of the Comics Curmudgeon suggested Seth’s ex, Mark, hook up with Garbage Ape. I guess both of them could do worse. I guess.
…I have NO idea what a “Homeric tip” is. Considering this skank has been masturbating on and over the back of the booth shared by that nerd Amos (and simultaneously with her boyfriend in her own booth, too), I can only imagine the obvious Homeric tip…
This week has been especially stupid (there. I said it.) It was only salvaged by folks cutting off the last panel of the Friday strip (yes, it was that stupid) and someone commenting that it would’ve been improved, had Amos farted.
So I tried that, and yes, it worked! Thanks to Pat F. and Ed H.!
I’m fairly sure 9 Chickweed Lane could be distributed in high school Sex Education classes as a deterrent…
The little bistro so near home is really a hot spot. Or maybe it’s just a cheap rendezvous place, away from the kids.
Can’t the restaurant get a restraining order or something?
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