Well, maybe. Dawn “needs to talk” to Hugo. Hugo? He’d just rather have a rouleau bon marché et vide de sens dans le foin. Viva la sexe!

Oh, what a weeping Wilma! Hugo (briefly) thinks that he may be the cause of Dawn’s distress, but she’s as clueless as she has been for the last 15 years (or more) of her 20s.

Pepe Le Hugo is heroic to the last, even if Dawn has lowered le boom on him.

Of course, there’s a little le boom coming from Hugo as well…

Well, I think we ought to be very, very happy that Dawn and Hugo will remain friends (long-distance relationships can be so brutal!). And let’s cap off an expensive French dinner with cheap American ice cream…sorta like this whole escapade.

So we have to say goodbye for the summer…

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