By bats | June 28, 2022 - 1:20 pm
Posted in Category:
Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
It’s time for a little gerontology!

Kinda like an annual prostate exam…

As Tildy experiences a medical emergency on the way to the hospital…

Given Rex’s wearknesses, it could be Tildy, or Mary Worth…

And don’t you figure that Rex’s leisure time will be spoiled by some big, fat, no-talent talent?!??

While June cleverly absents herself from this train-wreck of has-been singers, Rex does the best he can!

Still, Rex is not easily deterred (mo’ money! mo’money! mo’ money!).

Mud was faking his heart attack/diarrhea blowout/attempt to play as the headliner! If that’s not bad enough, Rex works hard to preserve his medical image…

Rex’s true calling…

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