By bats | July 16, 2008 - 11:50 pm

I guess Miss Buxley isn’t a hippie. But she’s an environmentalist and is concerned about the trees. In the original strip (ahem), she’s embracing the tree, telling the General that “It’s a civilian hug.”


Okay, this is more crude, but I think it makes a tad more sense. Clean mind, clean body — take your pick.

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By bats | July 5, 2008 - 2:47 pm

So here it was, Independence Day 2008. Some comics ignored it (not uncommon for those with serialized story lines) and some celebrated it (Walt Wallet is wheeled out from his cryotank next to Walt Disney to have one huge, glorious panel of Uncle Sam costumes, flags, and the whole she-bang; Ted Forth is scared of a combination of fireworks and the “Imperial March” from ESB).

And then there are the Johnny-come-latelies. Or in this case, Dolly-come-lately.

“Oh, damn, it’s the Fourth of July, Dad…what are we gonna do?! Our fans are expecting something patriotic! Our Kidz are no Kommies!”
“Easy, son, we’ll have Dolly carrying a blue-and-red bucket, a flag flying in the background (woo hoo! fill that white space!)…and best of all, we’ll have her singing!”
“That’s great, Pop! Something like I’m a Yankee Doodle Dandy, or My Country ‘Tis of Thee, or This Is My Country?”
“Even better! A song from a 1940’s B-musical that hardly anyone remembers! And we’ll have Dolly mess up the words in a cute, cute way!”
“WTF, Dad?”
“Shut up, Jeffy!”

Well, you can pretend all you want that the perpetual child Dolly would know a crappy 30’s vintage song in a crappy 40’s musical because her Granma might sing it in one of her delusional states. If I’m going to buy into the charade, I figure Dolly’s just as likely to sing one of the songs Granma heard when she was was young and sneaking into the Apollo and listening to all that weird, confusin’ music while jitterbugging and showing her underwear to all those people watching her and (not dead then) Granpa dance…

Of course, everything back to the usual on July 5. And all I can say to that is “Run, Jeffy! Run!”

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By bats | May 22, 2008 - 11:28 am

Mark Trail has been taking a bite out of crime — pet-nappers, to be specific! Andy has been his ally in the fight, and their plan has worked perfectly as Andy’s radio transmitter leads Mark to the villains! Mark’s punchin’ skillz are preceded by his formerly unknown kickin’ skillz! Don’t let those “gay chicken legs” (from CC’s Mautha) fool you!

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By bats | April 4, 2008 - 3:40 pm

I know very little of the Judge Parker back-story, but it seems that with biplane-buzzing neighbors and buzz-inducing brownies, something like Abbey’s back is the last thing anyone pays attention to.

(Okay, okay, so the Sherwin Williams motto is actually “Cover the Earth”…earth, globes, yada yada… )

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By bats | April 3, 2008 - 4:04 pm

Please tell me that this isn’t a national holiday…or a regional one…or that people just don’t do this…

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By bats | - 10:22 am

What is sexier than a guy in flannel or khaki? A guy in PJs! No! Wait! A guy in PJs, with something IN the PJs! Unfortunately, Mark finds a whole lotta strangeness in his…

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