By bats | March 24, 2024 - 3:01 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

GASP! Could it be?!??

Comments Off on “Living what little is left of our lives on Moonlight Bay…”
By bats | March 17, 2024 - 4:28 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

…but it may the the last one for Mary!

It must be way past 5:30…6;00?!?? No wonder Mary’s cranky!

On the boredwalk…

Comments Off on It’s not the only restaurant in Santa Royale…
By bats | March 10, 2024 - 1:58 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

…but she’s really, really cranky!

There’d been a comment that (we all) wished…Karen Moy, the writer for “Mary Worth,” would come up with a new story. Well, we ARE living in he 21st Century, with all its technological advances…it can’t be that difficult, can it?

So back to the 1950’s, or whenever Mary think she’s living…

Hoo, boy! Somebody has the hangries!!!

You’re family here…or maybe just a couple of old farts…

Considering the rollicking, dynamic adventures covered in this last week…maybe Mary should’ve been aware unsavory experiences lurked ahead…

Comments Off on Not only is she old…
By bats | March 3, 2024 - 12:02 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

Thought we were gonna see the end of Keith and Co.? Yeah, right. (and we got a whole week of Toby, too!)

Well, we got rid of Keith and Toby…

There’s only so many hours in a day…

So here we are at the botanical gardens, with the memory of Keith Hillend and an incontinent dog…

Comments Off on Not so fast, buddy…
By bats | February 25, 2024 - 11:28 am
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

…there’ be a new story-line tomorrow.

Why do I have a feeling we’re going to pay a long, protracted call on the Camerons?

Comments Off on If there really is a God…
By bats | February 18, 2024 - 2:57 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

and yet…

This is nearly as bad as when I fark up a snarked-on strip (usually one I’ve spent more than a little time on and I really like), only to hit the wrong button and completely erase it…

I think this might be from Episode 10…

Comments Off on Eh, you’ll probably cash out before you’re 70, Keith…
By bats | February 12, 2024 - 12:33 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy
Comments Off on Keith’s hopes and dreams are crushed
Comments Off on Keith Hillend…Marine, police officer, and still a little slow on the uptake

Mary Worth, the Jane Goodall of Charterstone…

Too bad the other inmates of Charterstone don’t get Keith and Co. …

Bob S. in the FB Comics Curmudgeon thoughtfully suggested a third panel…and by golly, it works!

Well, this is either heading for a Happy Ending, or Keith has figured out how to move Kitty into the Over-55 Charterstone lifestyle, minus Sonia…

And what could possibly be better than an uncomfortable group hug?

But then…

Comments Off on And when we run out of bacon muffins, we’ll fall back on the banana ones…
By bats | January 21, 2024 - 11:31 am
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy
Comments Off on Sunday, Sunday! Just in time for muffins!