Which isn’t the same thing as not giving a damn, is it?
Oh, and here’s a little something for June, to illustrate Rex’s point:

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Which isn’t the same thing as not giving a damn, is it?
Oh, and here’s a little something for June, to illustrate Rex’s point:
Adding an itty-bitty smile to the overall ennui (good ol’ Rex!):
…whether Rex has to deal with dimbulbs who believe in them, or some loonie nails a cardboard sign to a telephone pole, accusing the government of causing them. But, it takes all kinds, I guess.
Unfortunately, I know this plot line will go on for weeks. The concept of chemtrails just annoys me to no end, much like the conspiracy theory, tinfoil hat kooks do.
Except for my friend Gene. He’s not one of those types (or else he hides it well 🙂 )…he just makes a LOT of fun about them. And that makes me laugh.
Here’s a photo of Gene. He’s absolutely normal. Really and truly.
…someone is dumber than Rex Morgan!!
Maybe something exciting is waiting for Rex, just around the corner, or in a patient’s pants!
At least lunch is over, and it’s back to work…
Like the Brave Little Soldier he is, Rex does his best to put even his most-paranoid client at ease. What a guy!
Sometimes the end of the week is no better than the beginning of the week.
Or the middle of the week.
Or any of your miserable life with Rex.
Come on! Even those great comic strip Olympians have their down-times, too! Right? At least someone mentioned Pad Thai…
It looks like Thursday is no great shakes, either.
And June remains the patriarch of the family. And the alpha bitch. Have I been gone that long, that one (or both) of the little boys at the table are the newest members of the Morgan brood? Sad. Sad. Sad.
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