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Maybe it’s the odd perspectives one sees in classic Gil Thorpe. Maybe it’s scrutinizing every panel of Mary Worth. Maybe it’s the laughability of Ted Forth’s girlie hands. Something had to be done!
Some of these were “naturally-occurring,” and some where helped along. Not all of them are good examples of the ASL alphabet, but I don’t think most comic characters are well-versed in ASL. And what it all comes down to is Exhibit A: Too Much Free Time.
If you’ve just put your Christmas tree out on the curb, I don’t want to scare you. This is my only Nancy work, and I only did it because I like how Aunt Fritzi is portrayed these days (Nancy and Sluggo still look like warts, but that’s part of the charm, I guess). There’s a bunch of cameos here: who wouldn’t want to fill Fritzi’s Christmas stocking, after all?
A tip of the nightcap to UncleJeff from CC for the suggestion and the visions of sweaterpuppies!
Again, I’m drawn into the seamy world of the serial strip by interesting commentary. This is my first Judge Parker foray, and although Abbey isn’t part of the fun (hey, I didn’t know there were other women in the strip at the time! sorry, Abbey; sorry, Gloria), Rusty and what’s-her-name do the strip proud!
WHO IS THIS GUY? Evidently a “stock figure” who was posed behind the state-flag-of-your-choice. Well, the nice thing about media whores is that they’ll do it for anyone.
So, he ended up shilling CC merchandise:
“Who cares who he is? The Important Thing is that Mr. Whatsit LOVES Comic Curmudgeon merchandise!
Remember, the holidays are just around the corner!”
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