Comments Off on Mommies sure are smart!
Oh, come on, Brad — you’ll love it!
You hear me?
You. Will. Love. It.
Continuing in the anti-meddlingism vein:
(originally titled “Fun at Rusty’s Expense)
While I was hearing voices, inspired by Rusty’s incredulous response to Mark calling every freakin’ vet in the book:
many folks at The Comics Curmudgeon were fascinated/repelled/nauseated, observing that while Rusty indeed has five fingers (count ’em), a quick glance seems to suggest otherwise):
(Brian Blessed rocks so hard it’s not funny…)
Can NOTHING stop Mary Worth in the middle of a meddle?!?
…suddenly takes on a whole different meaning!
Thanks to Dean Booth for the totally wasted expression. Roll on, little Dudette!
Meanwhile, someone’s been rifling through Dolly’s boudoir…
Just like all those reality shows on TV — YOU get to participate in the thrills and chills!
Meanwhile, back in NYC and an art gallery that shall remain nameless:
Oh, yeah, the Mills Gallery. Well, I think everyone with the Mills name involved with the gallery is dead.
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