By bats | September 19, 2019 - 12:56 pm
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Three-Ring Freakshow
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…you don’t need Hugo visible, in the airport, or even on earth to keep Dawn moaning and kvetching! Honestly, this story is getting pretty damned stale.
Here (although she did come close to acting like a normal human being…I think the beluga might’ve short-circuited something in her):
And here:
And here:
(Beluga and narwhals are closely related…I guess I should’ve figured that out.)
Ah, the couch…the last refuge of the jilted, the beat-down, the spinster…
Some kind stranger walks by Dawn, hands her a Kleenex so she doesn’t snot all over herself, and the rest is history.
Or maybe these two are engaged (a tip o’ the fluke to FB’s Jeffrey P. Morris for seeing the similarity between the Santa Royale airport and the Santa Royale aquarium:
That’s a lot of sea slugs! And, boy howdy, did I learn some neat and crazy animals facts today!
In just a couple of more weeks, Dawn…
And you wonder why Mark leaves Lost Forest whenever possible.
Just something that David Beglinger, a Facebook/Comics Curmudgeon fan, has a number of inspirational thoughts (and googly eyes) up his sleeve)…
Face it. Everything is better with googly eyes!!!
A journey to the heights of the Himalayas is not going to prepare itself, you know. And some folks just cannot go along –but Cherry and Rusty will have loads of fun!
There are others who resent being left behind…
While others, after the Chiricahua debacle, do some fancy, quick thinking…
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