By bats | February 5, 2020 - 11:45 am
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

Hey! We were promised a new story with that old guy and his dog (then again, this is Wilbutt and Dawn…)

But wait! There’s MORE!


Can no one stop the madness??

I guess Hugo has some brains to go along with those looks:

You know? I think I’ve finally figured this out…the “new story,” with the old guy who adopted a new dog some time ago (months, years, decades — it hardly matters), was merely delayed a week so everyone who is so invested in the Dawn et Hugo lovefest can keep abreast of their long-distance courtship!

Like anyone cares!

Perhaps this Sunday strip (or part of it) will lead to something new. Or different, at least. And, there was no sign of Mary this pas week.
This is called a Small Miracle, folks!

Even these losers have their limits…believe it or not!

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By bats | February 2, 2020 - 3:33 pm
Posted in Category: Cameo Appearances

…how Scoopy is dealing with the wave of “healthy” food choices.

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