Oh, well, I figure it can’t be that much of a spoiler…and anyway, it’s already 26 May in over half the world (probably the half that is blissfully free of Funky Winkerbean in syndication).
It’s been an exciting Prom Week, hasn’t it?
And now…it’s that most magical and wonderful and memory-making of times (hey, I’m making this up as I go along, since I never went to a prom…I did go to a Gold and Green Ball once (nice choice of colors), which was sponsored by the local LDS Stake and was actually a lot of fun–wonder what happened to Larry Blackburn…probably married a nice Mormon girl…wonder if he’s on Facebook)…the Crowning of the Prom King and Prom King!
Oh, heck. So much for stalling.
Anyway, after much speculation (most of it snarky) from the folks at The Comics Curmudgeon, the obvious vote is obvious.
The less obvious ones are funnier…