By bats | November 8, 2021 - 10:27 am

Maybe a few more possibilities for therapy wouldn’t hurt, either.

While we’re thinking about food…

The saddest part of this particular comic is realizing how many BIG shopping malls that I grew up with in the Phoenix area (Metrocenter and Thomas Mall) and the surrounding areas (Los Arcos, Tri-City) are no longer there…gone, baby, gone.

Merely an obervation…

Some folks like loose change, some folks like facial hair, and ‘evry gal’s crazy ’bout a fluffy-lookin’ ‘stache!”

It’s always something. Usually smelly, too.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone near and far, Plugger and those-in-training!

And as we head into yet another Covid variant, we remember the Good Auld Days…

The times we live in.

Comments Off on Meditation is for Pluggers…
By bats | September 28, 2021 - 10:27 am
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

Could it be a new Kitty Cop book in the mail? One written by her? Not that June is excited or impressed…

Comments Off on Good Lord! Could Sawah be embarking on a new career!
By bats | June 26, 2021 - 12:54 pm
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

Sarah Morgan LOVES the Kitty Cop series of graphic novels (Daddy Rex couldn’t give a damn.). Nevertheless, she wrote a fan letter to KC’s aurthor, and we’re in for shenanigans…yeah, right.

Is that filthy lucre the Morgans smell?

Come on…it’s not that big a problem to cogitate!

In these rough times, a two-income salary is barely enough…

Looks like it’s a Go for Sara’s partnership with a comic book guy. And they guy’s wife is pregnant….so much going on in Morganville! (With stupid ideas like this, though, you’d think it would be coming from Rex himself…)

Meanwhile, the no-longer-genius Sara is having trouble coming up with a pen name. (For some reason, she rejected “Snotty-nosed Brat”).

Eureka! Sara has a pen name!

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By bats | February 11, 2021 - 5:57 pm
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

…and Buck’s missing it entirely (a tRump-style lunch at the local greasy spoon can’t hurt, can it?)

Boy, howdy, Beatty is foisting off all the writing work on Rex’s mythical, no-talent daughter Sarah…

Another week, and the creators of this comic STILL can’t come up with anything funny/amusing/less obvious….

All the Sarah fantasizing and pandemic in Morganville is over, and the usual ennui is back in place…

Yet, Rex does his best to make Big Plans…

We’re now investigating the world of graphic art book publishing (read, $$$ comic books), and even its creators can have writers’ blocks…

Now for the important stuff: making the best of a stupid, Zoom wedding without a free reception!

Comments Off on Getting the hang of things…
By bats | January 4, 2021 - 4:31 pm
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

Looks like Chunky Buck is heading for Diabeetus-land, and Rex is just the man to break the bad new to him.

Of course, not before Rex and June can get down to gettin’ down! Who cares about the ‘rona? Rex is a Doctor!

BACK TO THRILLS AND EXCITEMENT! Rex cannot say enough about the perils of diabetes, but he keeps trying!!

There’s nothing to say that you can’t have a milkshake at breakfast (fond members of the Zephyr restaurant in Chicago…which also served milkshakes by the PITCHER!!!)

And things are going pretty well with Buck learning to change his entire life…

Ah, the miracle of modern medicine…and not having to deal with a fat, sweaty patient in person!

Comments Off on New Dangers!
By bats | November 6, 2020 - 11:20 am
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

…out of a medical school class of 82, but Rex has some mad self-preservation skillz!

It looks like Rex is getting back to work, virtually for the moment. Which means the doctor’s uniform is up for debate…

Huzzah! Rest returns to the Land of the Living! And then to his family!

Comments Off on So he’s #83…
By bats | August 2, 2020 - 4:24 pm
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

June has an IQ way, way higher than Rex.

All’s well that just ends.

Comments Off on Something we’ve all suspected…
By bats | June 18, 2020 - 11:28 am
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

It’s nearly summer, and that means repeats! Let’s relive those exciting chapters in the comics, when Rex Morgan, M.D., met his wife June (stop that whining right now!).

Comments Off on Who’s ready for some repeats?
By bats | April 26, 2020 - 2:16 pm
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

…Rex has a new patient!

Ol’ Buck needs a place to crash while he recovers, and it’s great! that many of his fans extend their hospitality!

Comments Off on For one brief, shining moment…
By bats | March 24, 2020 - 4:28 pm
Posted in Category: Trust Me, I'm a Doctor

Ah, the almost newlyweds with their almost-new baby. Dad love lame music genres, Mom loves redecorating. And hates Dad.
We gave up a scintillating pro-wrestling plot for this?

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