By bats | August 16, 2010 - 8:16 pm


Comments Off on The beginning of a new school year
By bats | August 13, 2010 - 3:14 pm
Posted in Category: PSAs and Extravaganzas!



Comments Off on And now, a word from the Emergency Vampire System
By bats | May 18, 2010 - 11:27 am

Every once in a while, the Narration Box for The Phantom pops out some “Old Jungle Saying,” and while I’m sure it’s wise and profound and all, they sure seem to be Phantomocentric (yes, it’s a word), as if Kit is the walking embodiment of All Things Wise and Profound.

Pthththth on that.  Wisdom can be found everywhere. You just have to know where to look for it.  (Hint: a bright yellow Narration Box is a dead giveaway).


Comments Off on I did not know that!
By bats | March 25, 2010 - 4:43 pm

Mike Manley is the face of the new faces in Judge Parker, a very talented artist who I think will do Woody Wilson’s stories and all those characters we know and love justice.

A few folks are a wee bit confused by a couple of characters.  Sam Driver and Randy Parker, being brunets, brown-eyed, and legal, tend to be mixed up.  I’m finding them pretty easy to distinguish between, with Sam’s longer hair and Randy’s brush cut.  Still, it never hurts to have the occasional refresher course.

Anyway, I’m a sucker for “field guides” of any sort (I’ve got a few, including ones on identfying holes in the ground, animal poop, and French cheeses.  I *don’t* think any of these are related.)


Comments Off on Helllloooo, Mr. Manley!
By bats | February 23, 2010 - 12:32 pm

There will be a Comics Curmudgeon Meet-up in the D.C. area on 22 May.  While I’m not likely to be in attendance, I can be their virtually, wearing my virtual commemorative t-shirt with virtual copyright-violating  snark on it.

(And yeah, the only reason this design jumped out at several CCers was the Sunday Mark Trail, in which the fact that Ceylon lorikeets sleep upside down like bats (I did not know that), was superseded only by the fact that when lorikieets get wasted on fermented fruit and palm wine (where do they get palm wine? Are there jungle liquor stores in Ceylon/Sri Lanka? Are those the little bottles like Bartles & James wine cooler come in, or are they more like 40-ouncers?), they develop little bubbles and wavies around their heads.  Too cute!)

Maybe this could be the little illustration above the pocket on the front of the shirt:


And this could be on the back  (I think both designs would look best on a “Mark Trail Khaki” shirt)  :


Comments Off on District of Columbia Dreamin’

The week of 24 January was one of hawt, haunchy goodness in the comic strips. What, you don’t believe me?


Comments Off on Butt wait!
By bats | January 23, 2010 - 5:13 pm

There was some concern that Mark Trail‘s Jack Elrod has swerved dangerously afar from the comforting ginormous animals that we all know and love — introducing random things — like ginormous people heads!

This can’t go on! It must be stopped!  Thank heaven some Comics Curmudeoneers have some useful suggestions!


Comments Off on Time for a PSA
By bats | November 2, 2009 - 4:07 pm


Comments Off on Another month, another PSA…
By bats | September 6, 2009 - 3:15 pm

…but it’s sake to me!


Sunday’s Mark Trail was awash (literally!) in information for tsunami awareness and emergency preparedness.  Tsunamis are pretty damned incredible things, made only more amazing by the lovely lasses attempting to Get To High Ground:


Several ‘mudgeons were mightily impressed by the strip.  Mooncattie noted it would’ve been frame-worthy if only Rusty had been included.

Okay, when I come and visit you and Jane the Maine, Mooncattie, I expect to see this hanging over the sofa:


Comments Off on It may be rice wine to you…
By bats | September 1, 2009 - 6:34 pm
Posted in Category: PSAs and Extravaganzas!

September really is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.  And even if you weren’t “in the know,” judging from the number of flailing phalanges in the comics recently, the word’s been spreading in that venue.


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