By bats | November 17, 2008 - 1:55 pm
Posted in Category: Miscarriage of Juggstice

Well, you have Dixie Julep, Pole Dancer get dressed and leave; Sam Driver, Showering Attorney, get dressed; and Heidi Roberts, Homicide Investigator, get dressed in a sexy outfit for dinner with Sam — and then change into Crime-Scene Coveralls (albeit at least one size too small)…  I’ll admit it, I lost interest.

And then, all the talk talk talk about the guy who killed the publisher commiting suicide but not with the gun that was originally thought to have killed the publisher which is apparently still missing unlike the missing cell phone which was found by the computer that contained the would-be assassin’s suicide note so that the real killer of the publisher and the would-be assassin is still on the loose and what the hell is going on

Crap. I’m as confused as Sam, so I’ll just make fun of a double entendre:

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