Estelle finally succumbs to Wilbutt’s charms, or at least his check book.
Wow…some REAL cruising plans!
And just think what will happen when they get back from their cruise…
Meanwhile, the farewells just keep on coming…
The cruise is just SO exciting, especially the cough-wrapped melon slices!
Brunch AND mid-morning kakaoke!
Back at the old homestead!
And then, back at the old COVID reservoir!
Of course, neither Wilbutt nor Karen Moy, master story-teller, will accept the answer, but for one brief, shining moment, we can say, YES! YES! YES!
And Tina Wood of FB’s RotCC suggested this fall-down and swallow-your-tongue-it’s-so-funny (I tweaked the Photoshopping part a bit):
Y’know, Tina’s is just funnier:
And for those readers who hope beyond hope that Wilbutt meets up with Sailing Songstress Esme (she was on a cruise that I missed in 2017):
This entry was posted on Monday, December 27th, 2021 at 12:18 PM and is filed under Most maryWorthy, Trust Me, I'm a Doctor. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.