They’re still going at it!
Lunch for the ladies goes on, and Mary seems to have suffered one of her many fugues….
Estelle has certainly shown her patience, but I’d love to see her punch Mary’s lights out.
Woman power (or old lady power, or something…)
But the most fun is when the Ladies Who Lunch go home…
Well, they’re still at the restaurant…might as well make the best out of a bad situation…
And since we have a looooooong time to observe one another at the table…
It’s Saturday….maybe someone (the maitre d’, the police, a hobo on the street) will suggest that the Ladies beat it…
I give up. Sunday was the typical rehash, this time the very long lunch with these three, plus even more usual Mary crap advice. This is all I managed from it…
And a little last-minute F*ck you, Moy.
This entry was posted on Monday, January 31st, 2022 at 11:38 AM and is filed under Most maryWorthy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.