No kidding. The minute the Cat o’ Death leaves, I’m ignoring Crankshaft with no regret.
Of course, there are a few loose ends to tie up, like dealing with a jilted boyfriend from 60-odd years ago…
Oh, rumor has it that Eugene (the old guy standing by the car, erstwhile boyfriend from 60-odd years ago) died in the war. I don’t know which war…WWII, WWi, the Crimean. Anyway, if this is the case, it isn’t so much the fault of Batuituiiutk and Errors, but rather a testament to The Power of Barney, Cat o’ Death! All hail Barney! Bar-nee! Bar-Nee! Bar-NEE!
This is why cats were worshiped in ancient Egypt, people.
And after a week of Eugene wandering through Crankshaftville, his addled mind juxtapositioning fragile, sepia-toned photographs of him and Lucy with the reality of a Midwestern city in the last throes of urban decay, I’m really, really hoping this is the last we see of him and his misty, water-damaged memories:
This entry was posted on Monday, March 9th, 2009 at 5:00 PM and is filed under Cameo Appearances. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.