…looks who’s calling Mary! Yes! It’s the Stupidest Child Prodigy in the World, Delilah!
Mary’s posture in this one confuses and concerns me. Mary isn’t one for leanin’ back and ‘gargling platitudes’ (as CC’s True Fable so eloquently puts it). Mary is a full-contact active meddler — she’s always trotting around the Charterstone community pool, or roaming the halls of Mountview Hospital, or stalking around the Bum Boat, waiting to be seated. About the only time she’s “at ease,” is during her “Coffee Chats” with Toby, and even then, she’s got a wary eye on that toaster.
Because toasters cannot be trusted.
So…what exactly is Mary doing?
Mary’s armchair platitudinizin’ caused much merriment among the Comics Curminions (Mary getting a buzz…Mary quizzing Delilah on basic geometry formulas…), and just seeing the old biddy kicking back there is a thing of beauty.
Actually, it’s more a thing of ridicule, but I digress:
This entry was posted on Friday, November 20th, 2009 at 7:10 AM and is filed under Most maryWorthy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.