By bats | March 30, 2010 - 6:38 am
Posted in Category: Markin' the Trail, Most maryWorthy

I think I’m on to something.

In these days of shrinking newsprint and the ever-constant threat of our favorite comic strips being dropped, maybe a few ought to be combined.  Not forever, like some creepy muley-tigron-manpigbear hybrid, but only occasionally, when the situation merits it.

As an example, Mary Worth is embarking on a new storyline, and frankly, it looks dull.  If this were Sweeps Week, old Mary might be in the dustbin.

However, there’s some camera-swinging, gun-flinging action!!! over in Mark Trail, and it’s just what we all wait and pray for!  So in this case, maybe a little Mark Trail fleetness dropped into Mary’s favorite mercantile emporium will save the day:


Pretty freakin’ exciting, huh?

And speaking of action, Bonnie and Ernie actually show up for dinner at Mary’s! Is this action, or just plain stupidity?!  Only the grindingly-slow events of the evening will tell…


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