I mean really really really like. I love its artistry and linework. But unless it’s featuring Solange, Seth and/or Mark, it tends to slog down into interminable storylines. (This is also the case for Pibgorn.)
Of the current story (“Gramma Burber is a WWII Flying Ace Secret Agent”), there was a beautiful panel on 3 April 2010, of an Austrian POW, as he watches Edie (aka, the Portrait of a Gramma as a Young Woman) walk away and realizes he’ll never see her again. Very elegant and gut-wrenching.
They do meet, years later. (And I helped!)
And on…
And on… (In the words of TV’s Craig Ferguson, “Don’t you judge me!” It’s not like there hasn’t been a NAKED GUY in Pibgorn for the past two four days!)
And on (note that this is not a mere a hand slipping southward, but a 180-Degree Full Scrotal Rotation, which may or may not be an ice skating element)…
This entry was posted on Thursday, April 15th, 2010 at 4:21 PM and is filed under So Pretty! So Pretentious!. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.