(There are a few updates here, including one very fashionable Miss Alice Otterloop — even with her usual panache, I think this fails her.)
…although some of the fashions were more reminiscent of a dog fight. Yes, I’m talking about Princess Beatrice of York’s hat. Bea’s hat:
Bea’s tribute to Theodore Geisel (I’ll wait as you figure that one out):
Bea’s tribute to J.R.R. Tolkien:
I could’ve sworn all members of the Royal Family were Church of England (although this comes pretty close to kicking the Archbishop of Canterbury’s miter in the butt)…
For that interminable time between all the wedding photos being snapped and finally getting to the wedding luncheon buffet (OM NOM NOM NOM!):
Bea telling the world not to forget the ongoing recovery in Japan…sugoi!
If you cruise the intertubes, you’ll find that a few folks have “borrowed” Bea’s chapeau (hey, she’s a Princess…whatever happened to a good, old-fashioned CROWN?!?), including Donald Trump, Osama bin Laden, Nick Nolte and some other famous people (who were not watching the Royal Wedding at the time):
Indy, let the Wookiee win let Belloq have this one…it isn’t worth the risk!
This is my favorite — I think the Big D does it justice:
(but maybe it’s only because his weenus is showing).
I’ll skip the comparisons to Alien‘s facehugger and uterus/Fallopian tubes (at least until I can find appropriate photos). Now let me add a few, relying on that fine British tradition of keeping a stiff upper lip, no matter the adversity:
And the very simple truth of the matter:
But at least the sad tale of “The Lost Little Teletubby” has a very happy ending! Eh Oh!
Alice Otterloop is usually a match for anyone and anything. This could be the first Fail in her young life:
And just so you know, it could’ve been worse: the wedding could’ve take place during the annual rut.
This entry was posted on Saturday, April 30th, 2011 at 4:15 PM and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
Wait…is that “cat in the hat” picture an original by you? Because it was just shown on Popeater, and is getting passed around Tumblr.
Harold: The first several (not the ones with the word balloons) are from other sources, which did NOT give credit to their creators. I do not take credit for them myself, but I appreciate the humor (while I did the FSM one, it isn’t my original idea, either — I saw someone’s very good rendition of it, and then was unable to track it down again. I cobbled together the Teletubbies one from several peoples’ comments, but I didn’t actual see a mashup of Tiggywink, Dipsy, Lala, Po and Bea.).
How sad is it that I know the Teletubbies names? (And the vacuum cleaner is Noo-noo. Even sadder…)
I am thinking of getting my fiance a ring from Amazon or is that a horrible idea? Even if it is this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0027R2BVK/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=gadandgizallt-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399349&creativeASIN=B0027R2BVK
Horrible. Just shut up. Horrible. Hear me? One more time…Horrible.