For a moment, I was distracted by all sorts of things in today’s Rex Morgan :
- That awful, awful, mustard-colored tie (maybe it was another color originally, and Max had an issue with a condiment bottle at Joe’s Diner).
- No way is that dorky Bluetooth going to make Max look as cool as Uhura with her stick-it-in-her-ear communicator or Count Morgu’s pointy ears.
- Max Mallory, successful tele-attorney, drives a MINI-VAN!
- Max the doughy attorney has a hot wife! (well, some people seem to think so…he apparently has a dumb-ass kid, too)
But, I shook all of that off and went back to the sweet, sweet justice unfolding here. If they’d only bought some new, sanitary soundproofing material from the Home Depot when Justin had asked them!
This entry was posted on Thursday, July 3rd, 2008 at 11:10 AM and is filed under Trust Me, I'm a Doctor. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
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