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I’ve always been of the opinion that if a person really, really, really wants to be a scapegoat, it’s very nice to oblige them.
Extra points if you happen to be a succubus.
Triple points if the scapegoat is a certifiable, card-carrying (or ought to be carrying a card) jackass.
Panel 1 of the 1 January 2010 Funky Winkerbean was Les kissing Lisa — and she was normal colored, not all zombie rotten* and skeletal, like you’d expect her to be after 10 years. (Yes, Les is effed in the head.) The second panel was him gazing out at the moon while two desperate women had wished to be his New Year’s snogging buddy. (Yes, they’re effed in the head, too.)
Still, if Les were by the window, you think it could’ve been a little more dramatic…
Since Les is apparently a Time Lord and can zip back and forth (e.g., kissing what appears to be a living, breathing Lisa), maybe he’s not at a New Year’s Eve party at all! Maybe he’s in sunny California, at the most-talked-about wedding of the year in Santa Royale!
* Major mashup news! What the world needs is more mashups, and CC’s faithful curminion Joe Blevins is doing a continuing series based on Ziggy the Zombie = Zomby! As you might imagine, it’s a lot funnier than the original:
Lisa was portrayed in full color, not “Force Ghost” blue…what was I supposed to think?!
…Lisa, your pet parakeet, any vestiges of talent you ever might’ve had, your weener, your cell phone, etc., WHY AREN’T YOU DEAD, LES?!?
Actually, this was suggested by CC’s SquirrelGM…truly great:
(The name of this indie bookstore is figured prominently in this week’s Funky Winkerbean. I guess there is no such thing as Bad Publicity. Bad Taste in One’s Mouth, yes…)
So is “ennui.”
I suspect that “asshat” has an Anglo-Saxon etymology…
Be Safe and Happy, Everyone!
Looks-sorta-like-dead-Lisa is nothing if not tenacious:
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