By bats | January 21, 2022 - 1:25 pm
Posted in Category: Most Maryworthy

What should a marooned person do on a deserted, desert island? Realize the life he’s lived has been a wasted, selfish one. Other than that…

Let the rape of Paradise begin!!

Will he? Will he? Or won’t he?!??

Steaming ahead with the Sunday funnies, as Wilbutt’s desperation mounts…

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By bats | November 25, 2021 - 12:04 pm
Posted in Category: Most Maryworthy

…or “Wing Woman Day,” since it’s clear that Mary is clearly demented, living in her own little condo.

You think I’m joking, don’t you?

Well, I’m NOT!

Since everyone lives at Charterstone, Mary doesn’t need to haul out her broom…

Getting to know you…and you, too…

And who would’ve thought that 90% of the Sunday strip would be devoted to goldfish?!??

The insurmountable gravitational pull of Wilbutt and his goldfish has been accomplished. We’re ricocheted to Estelle’s condo…

And MAYBE we can get down to Brass Tacks…

There must be a point where Estelle tells Mary to get bent/lost/fucked/whatever…

SWEET BABY JEEBUS! Estelle ACTUALLY SAID, “I miss him.”!!! I keep trying, but I can only snark so much…

I don’t want to write for “Mary Worth.” I want an author to depict the series as being one with middle-aged/elderly people in the 21st C., not as a crappy fairy tale.

“Is this a lightbulb I see before me,
Filament toward my brain?”

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By bats | November 15, 2021 - 12:59 pm

Turn gay! Turn polygamist! Turn Hare Krisha! Just don’t take Wilbutt back!

Several readers hope that Dr. Ed makes a n appearance, further making Wilbutt wish he were dead. Well, you can always hope… (and thanks to 9CL, which finally has a use for its male anatomy, if nothing else):

Well, it seems that Estelle (or “Stell,” so she doesn’t have to remember both syllables in her name, is going to take the bastard back:

And today’s strip didn’t even merit a whole snark, just a panel (thanks to the curmudgeon who suggested the escape route):

Things aren’t so bad for Libby after all, after some folks fearing the worst for her (and Moy’s lack of clarity with the human…or English, language). Who the hell cares about Stell and Wilbutt anyway?

Mabe a workable solution can be…ah…worked out.

Or maybe the critters can work things out for themselves, and to hell with the humans…

Nah, I guess people need to be involved. At least one of them.

Believe it or don’r…Wilbutt sees the light!!!

And into every life (or Wilbutt’s life 24/7) a little rain must fall:

Comments Off on Don’t do it, Estelle!
By bats | October 24, 2021 - 7:04 pm
Posted in Category: Most Maryworthy

Yeah. Suck it, Wilbutt.

Awww, and now the little troll is making amends….

And now the little troll is failing miserably…

Great. Just what Estelle needs…

I’m guessing there’s nothing for Estelle to watch on TV, now that the H&I channel put “House” reruns on AFTER midnight!

Will they? Won’t they? Who cares?

Well, at least this looks a little detente-ish…

And then again, maybe not…

I did notice that … Who really cares abour hoomans blathering? What’s really important is sweet, innocent love…love that can take over the world!

Comments Off on This deserves it own title, or something…
By bats | October 19, 2021 - 1:21 pm
Posted in Category: Most Maryworthy

Carol has been talked into having dinner with Wilbutt. At this classy bistro, even the pianists get time off for good behavior…

Meanwhile, the time before the mousse shows up allow Carol and Wilbutt to get better acquainted.

Ah, what memories! Laughing over old stories that go back an entire WEEK!

Kinda makes you long for the Real Old Days…at least six months ago!

I’m sure two mature adults will find some shared interests.

And in case ANYONE considered WIlbutt suave and sophisticated…

Which all goes to prove…

And whether you want to or not, Wilbutt…time to say goodbye,

Comments Off on At some secluded rendezvous…
By bats | October 15, 2021 - 2:06 pm
Posted in Category: Most Maryworthy

Carol and Wilbutt spend HOURS at Dog Beach (the only people in Santa Royale without cable, I guess).

Meanwhile, life goes on for other Santa Royalians…

Will LOVE find Wilbutt Weston. It seems likely...or does it?

Not that Libby would have anything to do with this, if Carol’s machinations fall through…or would they?

And let’s not forget a blast from the past…and hope Wilbutt’s lousy luck continues unabated!

And Moy disappoints us all…

The all-important Dinner Date (minus the dogs)…

Of course, several Comics Curmudgeons were hoping for interesting interruptions:

Comments Off on And now at Dog Beach
By bats | August 31, 2021 - 1:05 pm
Posted in Category: Most Maryworthy

Otherwise known as “don’t get your hopes up, Wilbutt”…

I mean”REALLY don’t get your hopes up, Wilbutt”…

I think things are getting serious with this serious close-up…

I’m pretty sure Wilbutt has finally pushed the mild-mannered Estelle over the edge…

Maybe it’s best to just agree with Wilbutt….yeah, sure.

WHAT?!?? A little bit of progress in a Sunday strip?!??!?!! HERESY!!!

Comments Off on Time for a “come to Libby” talk
By bats | August 24, 2021 - 2:00 pm
Posted in Category: Most Maryworthy

Awww, Wilbutt is making up with Estelle, with yummy ribs and mashed potatoes?!??

Good things the dining room chairs are upholstered in red…bright, cardiac RED…

Oh! It’s detente, or an example of cooking, south of the border…

Detente, as everyone retires to the living room…

The unarmed man steps into the fight…let’s watch!

Ah, resorting to name-calling Wilbur….you fat, stinking pile of crap!

I think it’s getting to be high-time to get to a climax. Or find a replacement for Ms. Moy.

Comments Off on …and she’s not taking Crap!
By bats | August 16, 2021 - 1:28 pm
Posted in Category: Most Maryworthy

Unfortunately, so is Wilbur…

I did mention the unfortunateness of Wilbur, didn’t I?

And then things really go off the rails…


Comments Off on Libby’s BACK!
By bats | August 5, 2021 - 5:23 pm
Posted in Category: Most Maryworthy

Ashlee has flown the coop, and Mary has cornered Jeff once again…

Again, we see how busy Cory Sr. is…

The nystique continues…

And all’s well that ends. That’s it. ENDS.

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