Meanwhile, Bernice PhD in Psychology practices, “May I take your order, please?”.

Comments Off on Shannon will probably be a published author before Luann at this rate…
By bats | May 26, 2024 - 1:02 pm
Posted in Category: Three-Ring Freakshow

And then there’s “J. for Genius” Jeffy…

Looks like Big Daddy endured another year with the Melonheads…

Comments Off on Yep, it’s Dolly. And she’s still dumb as a post…
By bats | - 12:32 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

Some intense investigatin’…


Even more EGAD!

EG….aw, ewwwwww!

Mary’s pretty much run out of words…

Comments Off on Playing a little “catch-up,” thanks to Wilbur
By bats | May 19, 2024 - 1:59 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

Stellan or Willa or the 49-cent special at Petzmart is going to start smelling…

So long, and thanks for all the fi — oh, never mind.

More fun with Wilbur going nuts…

Comments Off on If Wilbur messes around any longer…
By bats | May 18, 2024 - 2:32 pm
Posted in Category: Guest Appearances, Markin' the Trail

…and it’ll never get better.

Meanwhile, a cartoonist who doesn’t profess to know how to draw animals in the least should apply for Rivera’s job…..

I guess the current Mark Trail is getting exciting (wake me when something happens). At least there is a modicum of espionage and intrigue…

Comments Off on Face it. It is what it is…
By bats | May 13, 2024 - 5:27 pm
Posted in Category: Three-Ring Freakshow
Comments Off on Deal with it, Thel…
By bats | - 5:11 pm
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

Sometimes some people should be alone. Everywhere. All the time.

This can go on merrily forever, can’t it?

All the histrionics!

Not to be overshadowed by a mere goldfish…

A return to reality?

Think things through, Wilbur (it’s a trial, I know)…

Somewhere, a 20-watt lightbulb is going off…

Comments Off on St. Wilbur the Hermit
By bats | May 5, 2024 - 12:06 pm
Posted in Category: Uncategorized

From one of the best comic strips ever, “Gordo”…

(And just a silly little one, “Dumplins.” Although Wilbur Weston’s epistle seems to be spreading…)

It’s not even a Cinco de Mayo reference; it’s just when you have to save something for later:

Comments Off on FELIZ CINCO DE MAYO!
By bats | - 11:59 am
Posted in Category: Most maryWorthy

Is Meagan trying to dash without paying the bill, stiffing the restaurant? Or is she just trying to lose Wilbur? Who cares?!??

Whinin’ with the fishes….

Mary worries!

Wow…Wilbur really doesn’t care, unshaved legs and all.

That’s right, you dolt…piss off Mary…

Comments Off on I won’t worry about the details…
By bats | May 3, 2024 - 12:28 pm
Posted in Category: Three-Ring Freakshow

…maybe it won’t last long (hey, at least Thel has 911 on speed-dial).

Even more fun (well, at least at Dolly’s expense):

Comments Off on Someone’s in the kitchen with Mommy…